


hi i'm jade
25 / white
evil sorcerer
transfag guything
bloodthirsty reptile

checkout my art i love to draw dinosaur furries

my primary interests are horror media, slasher characters, furries, & paleontology !!

i also enjoy: black metal (metal in general), machine girl, kristin hayter's music, smoking weed, edgy medieval shit, entomology & biology, path of titans, various games, dead by daylight, mass effect, bg3, warframe, the occult, internet mysteries, urban legends

- no minors following my accounts please thx
- horror is one my main interests, so blood / gore / body horror and horror related topics will frequent my spaces, probs don't follow me if you're sensitive to those subjects
- fuck off if you're: racist, a fash, homo/transphobic etc. into zoo, incest, ddlg, pedo, rape, weird "pro-ship" whatever the fuck u wanna call it lol